Nursing, Associate Degree Nursing, Associate of Applied Science


Program Information

If you have a compassionate, take-charge personality with a desire to make patients feel comforted in the face of illness, then a career in nursing may be the right career for you. As the population is quickly expanding and aging, the need for quality health care is greater than ever, and professionals who can provide that care are in short supply. A nursing degree from San Jacinto College will change your life and help save the lives of others.

The San Jacinto College Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in Nursing:

  • Qualifies students to apply for the National Council Licensure Exam-Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN) required of all registered nursing candidates. A license to practice as a registered nurse (RN) is granted by the state to graduates who pass this examination;
  • Educates nursing students on the College campus where they share learning experiences with other college students;
  • Provides unique learning opportunities in theoretical and clinical environments, concurrently, to prepare the student for successful entrance into professional nursing.  Experience in patient care is received in hospitals and other agencies in the community;
  • Provides opportunity to practice with high-fidelity patient simulators; and
  • Focuses on helping students understand the nursing scope of practice and adherence to ethical nursing practice to promote quality patient outcomes.

San Jacinto College District Student Nursing Handbook

Program Accreditation

The Associate Degree Nursing program is accredited by

The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, Georgia 30326

Office: 404-975-5000
Fax: 404-975-5020

Approved by:

Texas Board of Nursing (BON)
1801 Congress Avenue, Suite 10-200
Austin, Texas 78701

Office: 512-305-7400
Fax: 512-305-7401

Outcome Data

First-time NCLEX-RN Pass Rate:                          2024, 96.23%

On-time Completion Rate:            March 2025 cohort, 78.3%

Career Opportunities

As a nurse, the job opportunities are endless. Upon successful completion of the curriculum and passing of the NCLEX-RN, graduates are entering a field of infinite professional opportunities. The registered nurse is seen as a vital member of the health care team and is responsible for coordinating the majority of the care related to the patient. As the first point of contact between the patient and physician, professional nurses encompass all levels of health and well-being. 

The registered nurse can secure employment in:

  • Hospitals and clinics,
  • Home health and community health settings,
  • Education, and
  • Research and computer/technology.

San Jacinto College has transfer agreements with universities so our graduates can pursue bachelor’s degrees.

Earning Potential

Registered nurses: $88,7241 per year


Source:, median salary Gulf Coast region, 2022

For more information, students may contact the following:

Central Campus

Jocelyn Hinojosa - Sr. Administrative Assistant 
281-476-1501, x1617 or email

Patricia Carter - Sr. Administrative Assistant 
281-476-1501, x1441 or email

North Campus

Ashley LaFour - Sr. Administrative Assistant

281-998-6350, x7863 or email


Central Campus
North Campus


Associate Degree Nursing Program Central and North Campuses

A student enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing program (ADN) is a novice in health care who generally does not have any formal nursing education. Successful completion of the ADN program by these students will qualify graduates to apply for the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN).

In accordance with Texas House Bill 1508, the College informs all students in this program who may have a criminal background that a criminal history could keep graduates from being licensed by the state of Texas. Students with any questions about their background and licensure may speak with the Department Chair.  

Students enrolling into San Jacinto College programs with external learning experiences (i.e., clinical, practicum, externship, cooperative, etc.) will be required to comply with the immunization requirements and policies of the clinical/external learning sites to engage in all clinical/external learning experiences. Vaccination requirements at clinical/external learning sites are implemented pursuant to the independent authority of such facilities and are not mandated by San Jacinto College. Failure to meet the immunization requirements mandated by clinical/external learning sites may limit a student’s ability to complete the program and/or may delay the student’s graduation date. San Jacinto College does not process exemptions, and students should address potential vaccination exemptions directly with the clinical/external learning site.


Students applying for admission to the ADN program must submit the following items:

  1. Application for Admission to San Jacinto College via the website at How to Apply - San Jacinto College (provided online).
  2. Application for the Associate Degree Nursing Program (provided online) during the application period.
  3. Application Periods:
    The ADN program accepts applicants twice a year (spring and fall). Students may obtain the ADN program applications and specific application periods on the ADN admissions webpage. Students are strongly encouraged to contact a Counselor or Education Planner in the Admission, Counseling, and Transfer (ACT) Office to assist in the San Jacinto College and ADN Admissions process. Students may call 281-998-6150, x1014 or x2317 to schedule an appointment.
  4. Selection criteria.
    Students should submit all required documents by the last day of the application period. Students who apply for admissions to the ADN program will be selected on the basis of the highest score on the admissions and scoring rubric. The rubric components can be found on the ADN website. Meeting minimum admissions requirements does not guarantee program admission.
  5. Code of Conduct
    All students admitted to the ADN program are expected to maintain the highest personal and professional standards of conduct in class and clinicals in accordance with the College Student Handbook, the ADN Department Student Handbook, and clinical facility policies and procedures, which are used as extended campus sites. Any information indicating that such standards are not adhered to is subject to review by the Department Chair, and/or members of the nursing department faculty, and may result in a recommendation to the College for dismissal from the program.
  6. Official Transcripts must be submitted with the application
    1. Applicants must submit official transcripts from all colleges previously attended; transcripts should be mailed directly to the Central Campus Office of Enrollment Services. Transcripts should be requested as soon as possible. Applicants are encouraged to begin accessing their transcripts early in the application process to ensure that all required documents are available for review. All course work taken outside of San Jacinto College is required to be evaluated for transferability of credits towards the ADN degree.
    2. The College requires a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 for all applicants.
    3. Students must submit all official transcripts sealed from other colleges and San Jacinto College unofficial transcripts with the ADN application.
  7. ATI TEAS Exam
    Applicants seeking admissions must take an official Nursing Admissions Assessment Exam (ATI TEAS). A minimum score of proficient is required or the overall score. TEAS Exam will cover Reading, Math, Science, and English and Language Usage. The ATI TEAS exam may only be taken twice (test and a retake) per application period. The waiting period between test and retake is 15 days. Students should request official test scores as soon as possible. After placing an order for official TEAS transcript, transcripts are sent to the school administrator. The first transcript ordered is free; additional transcripts will cost $29.99 each. Student may visit the ADN Information website for test dates at Central and North campuses. 
  8. Criminal Background Check through the Texas Board of Nursing
    All applicants are required to complete a criminal background check (CBC) as part of the application/admissions process. According to the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) effective Jan. 1, 1996, a person who has been convicted of a felony that relates to the duties and responsibilities of a licensed registered nurse may be disqualified from obtaining licensure as a licensed registered nurse (213.28 Board of Nurse Examiners for the State of Texas, Rules and Regulations, Sept. 2004). For further inquiry, the applicant should directly contact the Texas BON. Applicants should complete the Texas Board of Nursing CBC prior to entry into the program. Applicants will be required to submit a blue card or decision letter to confirm admission and progression into the program. 
  9. Completion of Criminal Background Check and Drug Screen through CastleBranch. The procedure for completing the criminal background check and drug screen requirements can be found on the ADN webpage.
  10. Additional clinical requirements. Evidence of completing the American Heart Association (AHA) CPR and Immunization requirements must be  uploaded to the CastleBranch website. Students may see the ADN webpage for additional information regarding uploading the documents to CastleBranch. In order for an ADN application to be accepted, students must have completed a minimum of:
    1. CPR - from the American Heart Association Health Care Provider (online courses are not accepted); Copy of CPR Card to be uploaded to CastleBranch;
    2. Varicella Immunization #1, #2, and a positive titer;
    3. Hepatitis B series and a positive titer;
    4. Hepatitis C titer (negative titer);
    5. Or TWINRIX series completed and a positive titer;
    6. Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Immunizations #1, #2, and a positive titer;
    7. Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis) within the last 5 years;
    8. Current Flu vaccination;
    9. TB Skin Test (within 12 months); Chest X-Ray (if applicable); or Quantiferon Gold, and
      1. The Texas Administrative Code Rule 97.64 states that enrolled students may not participate in course work activities, including direct patient contact, until full vaccination series have been completed.
      2. Titers for MMR, Varicella, and Hepatitis B are required to be on file in the student’s record prior to the end of the first eight-week part of term of the ADN program.
      3. Clinical Affiliates may request additional requirements.
      4. Applicants must pass the drug screen and background check to be considered for admission and progression into the program.
  11. Health-Physical Examination is required.
    Evidence of physical and emotional fitness upon admission and throughout the program is expected and is subject to review by the ADN department and medical opinions or policy of hospital/agencies that are used as extended campus sites for assigned educational experiences.

After the College selects and accepts a student into the program, the student must pass a physical examination prior to entry into the ADN program. Students may schedule physical exams with a private physician/nurse practitioner/physician assistant utilizing the forms issued by the ADN program upon acceptance. The physical examination must demonstrate that the student is physically and emotionally fit to meet all requirements of direct patient care without any limitations and is free from all communicable diseases.

Plan of Study


Plan of Study Grid
BIOL 2301
BIOL 2101
Anatomy and Physiology I (Lecture)
and Anatomy and Physiology I (Lab) 1
BIOL 2302
BIOL 2102
Anatomy and Physiology II (Lecture)
and Anatomy and Physiology II (Lab) 1
Pick one of these lecture/lab combinations: 4
Microbiology for Health Science Majors (lecture)
and Microbiology for Health Science Majors (lab) 1
Microbiology for Science Majors (lecture)
and Microbiology for Science Majors (lab)
ENGL 1301 Composition I 1 3
First Year
First Term
RNSG 1413 Foundations for Nursing Practice 4
RNSG 1105 Nursing Skills I 1
RNSG 1115 Health Assessment 1
RNSG 1170 Geriatric Nursing 1
RNSG 1160 Clinical - Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse 1
PSYC 2301 General Psychology 3
Second Term
RNSG 1301 Pharmacology 3
RNSG 1341 Common Concepts of Adult Health 3
RNSG 1261 Clinical Nursing Common Concepts for Adult Health 2
RNSG 2213 Mental Health Nursing 2
RNSG 2261 Clinical Mental Health Nursing 2
PSYC 2314 Lifespan Growth and Development 3
Third Term
RNSG 2201 Care of Children and Families 2
RNSG 2262 Clinical Nursing Care of Children and Families 2
Second Year
Fourth Term
RNSG 2208 Maternal Newborn Nursing and Women 's Health 2
RNSG 2260 Clinical Registered Nursing 2
RNSG 2332 Enhanced Concepts of Adult Health 3
RNSG 2263 Clinical - Registered Nursing 2
Creative Arts (Fine Arts) 3
Fifth Term
RNSG 2121 Professional Nursing: Leadership and Management 1
RNSG 2160 Clinical: Nursing Management of Client Care 1
RNSG 2130 Professional Nursing Review and Licensure Preparation 1
 Total Credits60

Students must satisfactorily complete BIOL 2301 Anatomy and Physiology I (Lecture)/BIOL 2101 Anatomy and Physiology I (Lab), BIOL 2302 Anatomy and Physiology II (Lecture)/BIOL 2102 Anatomy and Physiology II (Lab), either BIOL 2320 Microbiology for Health Science Majors (lecture)/BIOL 2120 Microbiology for Health Science Majors (lab) or BIOL 2321 Microbiology for Science Majors (lecture)/BIOL 2121 Microbiology for Science Majors (lab); and ENGL 1301 Composition I to enroll in any nursing course. Biology courses must be taken within the last five years with a passing grade no less than C. College Preparatory courses, which have numbers beginning with zero (0), do not apply toward the AAS degree.

Verification of Workforce Competencies:

  1. Capstone Experience - RNSG 2121 Professional Nursing: Leadership and Management 
  2. External Learning Experience - RNSG 2160 Clinical: Nursing Management of Client Care
  • RNSG courses must have been taken within the last two years with a passing grade no less than C.
  • Course outline is representative of fall semester entry only. Adjustments will be made for spring semester entry.