Anthropology (ANTH)


ANTH 2301  Introduction to Physical Anthropology  3 Credits   (3 Lec, 0 Lab)  

The study of human origins and bio-cultural adaptations. Topics may include primatology, genetics, human variation, forensics, health, and ethics in the discipline.
Prerequisite(s): Reading level 7, Writing level 7
Course Type: Academic

ANTH 2302  Introduction to Archaeology  3 Credits   (3 Lec, 0 Lab)  

The study of the human past through material remains. The course includes a discussion of methods and theories relevant to archeological inquiry. Topics may include the adoption of agriculture, response to environmental change, the emergence of complex societies, and ethics in the discipline.
Prerequisite(s): Reading level 7, Writing level 7
Course Type: Academic

ANTH 2346  General Anthropology  3 Credits   (3 Lec, 0 Lab)  

The study of human beings, their antecedents, related primates, and their cultural behavior and institutions. Introduces the major subfields: physical and cultural anthropology, archeology, linguistics, their applications, and ethics in the discipline.
Prerequisite(s): Reading level 6, Writing level 6
Course Type: Academic

ANTH 2351  Cultural Anthropology  3 Credits   (3 Lec, 0 Lab)  

The study of human cultures. Topics may include social organization, institutions, diversity, interactions between human groups, and ethics in the discipline.
Prerequisite(s): Reading level 7, Writing level 7
Course Type: Academic