Services for Students with Disabilities


San Jacinto College does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or participation in, its educational programs, activities, or facilities. The College complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1972 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students with disabilities may be eligible for certain reasonable accommodations such as additional testing time, assistance with the admissions or registration process, modification of the physical environment (such as accessible seating), or interpreters. Students and applicants may request accommodations for academic programs, extracurricular activities, and other programs and services of the College.  The College’s Accessibility Services office assists students who may need accommodations. Inquiries about accessibility services, eligibility requirements, and documentation requirements should be addressed to or by visiting the Student Support Services office on any campus.

Central Campus/Maritime Campus: 281-478-2768
North Campus/Generation Park Campus: 281-459-7192
South Campus: 281-922-3444

Requests for accommodations will be evaluated on an individual basis. A student’s application for an accommodation and related records, including medical documentation regarding the student’s disability, will be treated confidentially.

A student who needs assistance in submitting an application should contact Accessibility Services.

If a request for an accommodation is approved, the student will receive an official written notice describing the approved accommodation and its duration. If a request for an accommodation is denied in whole or in part, the student will receive an official written notice explaining the determination.

If a student disagrees with a decision by the office of Accessibility Services, the student may seek review of the decision. However, to seek review, the student must have completed the Accessibility Services Accommodation Application and must have received a written notice from Accessibility Services regarding the application.

Individuals who desire review must do so in writing within seven school days of the notice of the accommodation decision. The request for review should include a copy of the original request for accommodation, any supporting documentation, the accommodation decision, and the reasons why the student has appealed. The request shall be sent to the Director of Student Access Resources who will review the record and render a written decision as promptly as possible, typically within two weeks or less.

The Director of Student Access Resources will provide students an opportunity to present information useful to understanding the appeal. The Director of Student Access Resources may decide to uphold the previous accommodation decision, support the appeal request, decide on an alternative, or decide that new information has been submitted that necessitates further review.

For further information, students may call:

Central Campus/Maritime Campus: 281-478-2768
North Campus/Generation Park Campus: 281-459-7192
South Campus: 281-922-3444

A student or applicant who has been subjected to discrimination or harassment based on disability may file a complaint in accordance with Procedure 300 in the Student Handbook.