Showing Identification


As authorized by Texas Education Code Section 51.209, in order to protect the safety and welfare of students, employees, and other participants in the programs and activities of San Jacinto College and to protect the property and buildings of the College, any student or other person on College property or utilizing its services may be required to furnish acceptable proof of identity to College officials, including campus police. It is a violation of College Procedure VII.7003.A.a for any student who is on any property or in a building owned or controlled by San Jacinto College to refuse to identify himself or herself in response to a request by an institutional representative. An “institutional representative” is any member of the Board of Trustees; any College administrator or manager; or any peace officer or security officer of the College acting pursuant to authority of Texas law. A student or other person identifies himself or herself by stating truthfully: (1) his or her name and complete address, as substantiated by a current driver’s license, student ID, or other official documentation, and whether they are a student or employee of the College; and (2) their legitimate business on San Jacinto College. Legitimate business includes engaging in assembly, speech, and other expressive activities as authorized by law or Procedure VII:7003.A.a.

A student or other person who refuses to identify themselves in accordance with College Procedure may be required to leave the premises and may be subject to arrest for trespass. Students who refuse to identify themselves in accordance with College Procedure also are subject to disciplinary action pursuant to the College’s regular disciplinary procedures. Additionally, as stated in Section 51.232 of the Texas Education Code, during periods of disruption, as determined by the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Services, or other official designated by the Chancellor, to maintain order on the campus or facility, the College may require that any person on the campus or facility present evidence of their identification, or if the person is a student of the institution, their student institutional identification card, or other evidence of the individual’s relationship with the College. If a person refuses or fails upon request to present evidence of their identification, and if it reasonably appears that the person has no legitimate reason to be on the campus or facility, the person may be ejected from the campus or facility. College officials will not discriminate on the basis of a political, religious, philosophical, ideological, or academic viewpoint expressed by any person, either in the enforcement or administration of these rules.

Students should carry a validated student ID card with them when on campus, during academic activities (including testing), and when using College services or attending College activities. ID cards also serve as a library card to obtain usage of the materials in the College library and as identification to obtain admission to College events. If lost, College ID cards can be replaced at the Admissions Office for a fee of $10 payable at any campus Business Office.