Business (BUSG)


BUSG 1341  Small Business Financing  3 Credits   (3 Lec, 0 Lab)  

This course focuses on understanding the financial structure of a small business. Topics include: business financing, budgeting, record keeping, taxation, insurance, and banking.
Course Type: Technical

BUSG 2309  Small Business Management  3 Credits   (3 Lec, 0 Lab)  

This is a course on how to start and operate, and grow a small business. Topics include facts about a small business, essential management skills, how to prepare a business plan, accounting, financial needs, staffing, marketing strategies, and legal issues.
Course Type: Technical

BUSG 2317  Business Law/Commercial  3 Credits   (3 Lec, 0 Lab)  

This course explores the relationships of law and business as they relate to commercial transactions.
Prerequisite(s): Reading level 7
Course Type: Technical